Премьера песни: Scared

Новая песня Дианы Арбениной Scared впервые прозвучала на концерте «Ночных Снайперов» 25 июня в московском клубе Tap&Barrel Pub, где состоялось мероприятие PROM PARTY, организованное радиостанцией MOSCOW FM.




that's not a fancy restaurant.

lonely people come along.

looking only for their gain

blaming others for their pain.

        running after the car of death.

        life takes time.

        love's full of mess.

i'm scared.

so scared.

freaky dizzy carousel

and the keys are lost again

i'm scared.

so scared.


that's too much to ask from God

when your hands are soaked in blood.

and no matter what you own

lonely people pray alone

        running after the car of death.

        life takes time.

        love's full of mess.

i'm scared.

so scared.

freaky dizzy carousel

and the keys are lost again

i'm scared.

so scared.